CT Scan

A CT Scan is a special type of x-ray technology that produces detailed pictures of structures inside your body. During the scan, you will lie on a table. You will hear a faint humming and clicking as the machine operates; however, the CT unit is open enough for you to be able to communicate with your technician while the procedure takes place.

Patients are unable to eat/drink 4 hours prior to study for the following tests: Abdomen, Pelvis, Chest/Thorax, Soft Tissue Neck, Brain/Head, and Internal Auditory Canals/Temporal

Patients getting an Arthrogram scan are unable to eat / drink 2 hours prior to their procedure. If contrast media is prescribed for your study and you are diabetic and/or over 65 years of age, you may be asked to have your creatinine level checked to determine your baseline kidney function. Abdominal and Pelvic Scans require that you drink oral contrast prior to the study to enhance the digestive tract.


CT scan takes approximately 20 minutes.


MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is state-of-the-art technology that uses a computer, a strong magnetic field and radio waves to create a sophisticated, computer-enhanced image of a specific part of the body. This non-invasive procedure is a great way to see inside the body without exposing patients to ionizing radiation.

No special preparation is required prior to your MRI exam. Patients may eat normally and go about their daily routine. If you're taking prescribed medicine, keep taking it unless otherwise directed by your doctor. Prior to your scan, you'll be asked to remove any metal from your body and leave items that are not compatible with a magnetic field in a secure place outside of the examination room. Some of these items include coins, jewelry, watches, glasses, credit cards, hearing aides, keys, hair pins, and other metal objects.

Check with your physician or MRI technologist if you've had any eye, brain, ear, or other surgeries in the past, as well as if you have implants or any of the following: Pacemaker, Metal Implants, Surgical Staples, Intrauterine Device, Aneurysm Clips, Implanted Drug Infusion Devices, Foregin Metal Objects in the Eye, Shrapnel or bullet wounds, and Permanent Eyeliner


MRI exam takes approximately 10-40 minutes.


An ultrasound involves the exposure of part of the body to high-frequency sound waves to produce pictures of the inside of the body without the use of ionizing radiation.

Preparation for ultrasound procedures can vary widely. Please consult Clear Imaging and Diagnostics for specific instructions regarding your particular procedure preparation.


Ultrasound procedure takes about 15 minutes.


X-rays are the most commonly used form of medical imaging, which involves exposing a part of the body to a small doses of ionizing radiation. X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation that can penetrate or pass through the human body and produce shadow-like images of structures such as bones, organs, and signs of disease or injury.

Most x-rays do not require any special preparations. Prior to the x-ray, you may be asked to remove jewelry or other items that could interfere with the imaging process. Women should advise their physician or the x-ray technician if there is any possibility of pregnancy.


X-rays usually takes 15 minutes to one hour.

Dexa Bone Densitometry

Bone density scanning is an enhanced form of x-ray technology used to measure bone loss. It is quick and painless, as the arm of the equipment passes quietly over your body to generate images.

Do not take any multi-vitamins or calcium supplements within 48 hours before your exam.


The procedure last about 25 minutes.


Electromyography (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) studies are ordered to evaluate for injury or disease of muscle, nerve roots, and peripheral nerves.

You can do any of your normal activities, like eating, driving, and exercising, before the tests. There are no lasting side effects. You can also do your normal activities after the tests.


The tests usually take 20 to 90 minutes.

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